Beiträge: 46
| Zuletzt Online: 08.01.2025
english version:
When: Sunday 16.06.2024 from 09:00 to approx. 18:00.
Where: Zwergenschmiede, Laupenstrasse 4, Bern
Who: Horus Heresy players from beginner to pro
What: - 1500 points per player, 3000 per team, +/-25, which the team partner may compensate for - The lists should be chosen so that a game can be played in 3h-4h. - Each list is built as if you were making a 1500p list (i.e. the rules for building the list are the same as in a normal game. Means min.1HQ & 2Compulsory Troops) - Modeling-wise everything (not only GW/FW) as long as the model can be recognized and does not have any advantages over the standard model. - I don't need to see the list. - Everything painted is not mandatory. - All rulebooks that have been published up to the tournament, this also applies to the Legacy PDF's and Erratas&FAQ. Anything that is not in writing cannot be used to resolve conflicts. - Attention! Due to the new guidelines from the Dwarven Forge and the OCB board, 3D printed models are not allowed if they are copies of a Games Workshop purchasable model. For example MKVI Space Marines Jetbikes are not allowed to be played printed. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your models. Thanks for your understanding. - Rites of War are allowed, but keep in mind that you need a Master of the Legion (e.g. Praetor, Delegatus or notable characters) - Teams must register as loyalists or traitors. - please read the mission pack, additional rules are inside.
Registration directly in the Whatsapp chat to Valentin, by mail to or here in the forum.
When registering, please give me your full name, loyalist/vendor and OCB member or not, team name is optional, but brings luck.
Cost: 5.- OCB / 10.- non-OCB
Times: 09.00 > Gathering 09.15 – 13:00 > Game 1 13:00 – 13:30 > Lunch Break 13:30 – 13:45 > Voting for Best Themed Team 13:45 – 17:45 > Game 2 17.45 – 18.00 > Results and Award Ceremony 18.00 > Clearing up and Sälü
May lords of warords of war be used: Yes, according to the rulebook pg. 279 may up to 500 points of lords of war be included in a 2000p army. No Lords of war in the 1000p army.
English version:
Battle for Bernensis Tertius
When: Sunday May 5th, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to around 6:00 p.m. Where: Zwergenschmiede, Laupenstrasse 4, Bern Who: Horus Heresy players from beginner to veteran Event: The Battle for Bernensis Tertius is a narrative team event. There will be two teams, Traitors and Loyalists. The first game in the morning will determine which team will gain the upper hand around Bernensis and become the attacker and the second game in the afternoon will determine whether the defender can hold their positions. Up to 7 tables can be set up, which means we have space for 28 participants. The Loyalists and Traitors each choose a Praetorian or Warmaster, who is responsible for allocating the players. Before each round, who plays on which table is assigned; this is decided by the teams in turn. This works like this, the Loyalists (represented by the Praetorian) place a team of two players on the first table, the Traitors (represented by the Warmaster) then decide which two players they will send against it, then the Traitors will place a team and the Loyalists can then choose two players to compete against. Until all tables are occupied. The first game is played 2v2 with 1000 points per player, for the afternoon game the army list from the morning is supplemented by a further 1000P to 2000P per player. The victories are then allocated to the teams and at the end it is seen whether the Loyalists or the Traitors have claimed the planet for themselves. Special narrative scenarios will apply to the tables and will be announced 2 weeks before the event. Army list: - a 1000pt army list for the morning, a 2000pt army list containing the morning's list for the afternoon. Units from the morning list may be enlarged for the afternoon list. E.g. A squad of Tacticals can be increased from 10 to 20. - The lists should be chosen so that a game can be played in 2 hours or can be played for 3.5 hours respectivly. - Each list is composed as if one were writing a list of the appropriate size, the Force Organization Chart applies. - In terms of model building, everything (not just GW/FW) as long as the model can be recognized and does not bring any advantages over the standard model. Please note! Due to new guidelines from the Zwergenschmiede and the OCB Board, 3D printed models are not permitted if they are copies of a purchased unit from Games Workshop. Example: MKVI Space Marines Jetbikes are not allowed to be played in print. You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions about your models. Thanks for understanding. - I don't need to see the list. - Everything painted is not mandatory. - All rules and supplements that were published up to the tournament are viable, this also applies to the legacy PDFs and also erratas and FAQs. Anything that is not in writing cannot serve as a solution to conflicts. - Rites of War are allowed, but remember you need a Master of the Legion (e.g. Praetor, Delegatus or well-known characters) - You can choose to play loyalists or traitors with your army, or write a neutral list to balance out when there is an unequal number of players. - No Primarchs (I also include Valdor among them.) It is a narrative event, please take that into account when writing your list, both in topic and competitiveness.
Process: 09.00 > Gathering 09.30 – 11:45 > Game 1 (1000pts per player) 11:45 – 12:30 > Lunch break 12:45 – 1:00 p.m. > Voting for Best Painted Army 12:45 – 17:45 > Game 2 (2000pts per player) 5.45 p.m. - 6 p.m. > Announcement of the results, award ceremonies 6 p.m. > Dismantling and cleaning Cost: 5.- OCB / 10.- Non-OCB OCB Members First Register directly in the Whatsapp chat to Valentin, by email to or here in the forum. To register I need the following information: Full name, army (e.g. Dark Angels, Sisters of Silence, etc) and affiliation (Loyalists, Traitors or Flexible), OCB yes/no
I look forward to your registration
I (Valentin Glatthard) mäude mi gärn a, Menü Fleisch
I mäude mi ou gärn a, witerhin Mechanicum, dasmau jedoch Traitors
i (Välu) chume mitem Silas Brand
Silas Brand u Dominic Fuhrer wei ou ume cho
i wär ou mau ume derbi (Valentin)
i würd gärn noeisch zwöi amäude wo kes konto hie im Forum hei:
Silas Brand und Dominic Fuhrer